Labels:daily | earth | fence | grandstand | grass | newspaper | person | railing | road | rock | sky | stairs | water OCR: and prayed for the murderers He wept for his enem SEM not without grief that He who nailed Him to the CrOJS. 1 of these cities. Yet raising his declared the spprosc hins doo He scquiesced to the will of his thoughts from earth to heave: the hig hest satisi faction his heavenly Father and expresse er some would harden themselves direction. He knew that Howe receive the truth, and that the there SEM who Wou iovereignty and grace would be riches and glory to the divine magn ified. ticulars this connection of the Before I enter upon the words will piojje ground enenm griet CrOSS hing scuuiescec satis 301e themse ignty tieulars crounc